Accommodation with dog Ružomberok
Spend an unforgettable holiday in Ružomberok together with your dog. Your four-legged friend will certainly appreciate it.
Type: Boarding house
Place: Ružomberok, Černová
It is situated in the Country RANC area, close to the main road cca 1km from Ruzomberok towards Zilina. Guests
… More » are accommodate in 14 rooms with capacity of 34 persons and possibility of 16 extra beds. Well visible from the main road No.18, 1km from Rožmberk direction Žilina.
Price per bed per night approx.:
Skipark Ružomberok - 75 cm snow pack
The database contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation with dog in Ružomberok. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!