This middle-hard trip starts in a small village Lispience which lies north of Liptovsky Mikulas town. From this point the outing continues via Medvedie Rozcesti, Rozcesti Salatin, Brestova to a small village Zverovka.
Jalovecka dolina (dell) leads into the Liptovska kotlina 4 km north from the village Jalovec. Alike in Rackova dolina you can see here the vestiges of glacier´s activity. If you try to find this dell in a map, two important valleys will help you. The first one is Borovecka dolina, the second one is Parichvost. Both of them are situated in the beginning of the dell. The dell is 9 km long and lies right under the main ridge. A possible starting point is the village Jalovec. From there a signed tourist path goes through Jalovecka dolina and finish in Banikovske sedlo (saddle).
Brestova is located in the main ridge of the Rohace mountains. It is possible to climb it from Rohacska dolina along the blue path or along ridgeways from both directions. The path is signed with red marks. We choose the second possibility from Brestova.
The whole lenght of the trip is 14 km. It would not take longer than 5 hours. We set off from Lespience in elevation of 780 meters to Medvedie Rozcesti along yellow path, there we change it to green route which goes to Salatin (2020 meters above sea level). From there go along the red one to Brestova and we finish the trip in Zverovka (the blue path).